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BRENZONE | Hotel- und Stadtverein Brenzone am Gardasee, die weltberühmte Osterwoche und Via Crucis am Gardasee, Hotels in Castelletto di Brenzone, Ferienwohnungen in Assenza di Brenzone, Appartments in Porto di Brenzone, Restaurants in Magugnano, Musikveranstaltungen in Campo, Zimmer in Sommavilla, Last Minute in Borago, Wanderungen und Mountainbike in San Zeno, Sessellift von Prada del Monte Baldo, die besondere Küche im Baldo Naturpark, das botanische Garten Europas Offizielle Website von Brenzone sul Garda, Brenzone am Gardasee Verona, offiziell Gardasee, Familienhotels am Gardasee, Hotels am Gardasee, Ferienwohnungen am Gardasee, Appartments und Ferienzimmer, Restaurants und Lokale in Brenzone, Veranstaltungen und Feste am Gardasee, Ferienort für die ganze Familie, Gardasee Ferien, Urlaub am Gardasee, Reiseziel in Italien, Reiseverkehr am Gardasee, Erholungsurlaub am See, Feiertag in Italien, Feiertage in Brenzone, Feriengebiet Monte Baldo, Urlaubsgebiet Brenzone
Associazione Pro Loco “Per Brenzone”
37010 Brenzone sul Garda (Vr)
Via XX Settembre, 8
Tel. +39 045 7420076
Cod. Fisc. e P. Iva 02526960238
Ufficio Informazioni:
Scrivi al Presidente:

OFFICIAL Hotel Association, Il sito Ufficiale della Associazione Albergatori di Brenzone, OFFIZIELLE Hotelgemeinschaft Brenzone,
Hospitality Association
Brenzone sul Garda

37010 Brenzone sul Garda (VR)
Via Zanardelli, 22
Tel. +39 045 7420898
Cod. Fisc. e P. Iva 90001100230

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It is an activity performed with specially designed walking poles that are not used as a simple support but are used actively by applying forces. The fundamental principle of this new discipline is to involve the greatest possible number of muscles in order to increase the energy consumption at constant speed over a traveled distance. At the same time it improves the physical form. It’s different from simple walking because much more complete as a movement and with a higher performance.

Health Benefits

Using the correct technique Nordic walking:
1.    Burns up to 45% more calories than ordinary walking (400 kcal compared to 240/280 of ordinary walking)
2.    Is a full body work out which uses 90% of the skeletal muscles and tones the upper and lower body at the same time
3.    Improves flexibility and mobility of the joints and spine
4.    Improves posture and relieves back pain
5.    Improves aerobic conditioning
6.    Reduces pressure on the knees, joints and back, (consequently making it an activity also suitable for those with joint
7.    problems or those who are over weight) through the use of poles
8.    Enhances coordination

Is an ideal activity for cardio respiratory fitness and reduces the causes of stress and depression Nordic Walking has become a life style for several thousands of Italians who want to keep in touch with natures annual progression but above all, it gives the possibility for inner peace and tranquillity, away from the too and fro hassles of everyday life.

pursuant to article 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679.

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This website does not use profiling cookies to record the user's behavior and allows the transfer of third-party cookies for statistical purposes. By proceeding with the navigation and accordingly accept and include this banner note, you agree to unconditionally agree to our cookies policy.
What are Cookies?

BRENZONE | Hotel- und Stadtverein Brenzone am Gardasee, die weltberühmte Osterwoche und Via Crucis am Gardasee, Hotels in Castelletto di Brenzone, Ferienwohnungen in Assenza di Brenzone, Appartments in Porto di Brenzone, Restaurants in Magugnano, Musikveranstaltungen in Campo, Zimmer in Sommavilla, Last Minute in Borago, Wanderungen und Mountainbike in San Zeno, Sessellift von Prada del Monte Baldo, die besondere Küche im Baldo Naturpark, das botanische Garten Europas Offizielle Website von Brenzone sul Garda, Brenzone am Gardasee Verona, offiziell Gardasee, Familienhotels am Gardasee, Hotels am Gardasee, Ferienwohnungen am Gardasee, Appartments und Ferienzimmer, Restaurants und Lokale in Brenzone, Veranstaltungen und Feste am Gardasee, Ferienort für die ganze Familie, Gardasee Ferien, Urlaub am Gardasee, Reiseziel in Italien, Reiseverkehr am Gardasee, Erholungsurlaub am See, Feiertag in Italien, Feiertage in Brenzone, Feriengebiet Monte Baldo, Urlaubsgebiet Brenzone
Associazione Pro Loco “Per Brenzone”
37010 Brenzone sul Garda (Vr)
Via Zanardelli, 38 - Località Porto
Tel. +39 045 7420076
Cod. Fisc. e P. Iva 02526960238
Ufficio Informazioni:
Scrivi al Presidente:

OFFICIAL Hotel Association, Il sito Ufficiale della Associazione Albergatori di Brenzone, OFFIZIELLE Hotelgemeinschaft Brenzone,
Hospitality Association
Brenzone sul Garda

37010 Brenzone sul Garda (VR)
Via Zanardelli, 22
Tel. +39 045 7420898
Cod. Fisc. e P. Iva 90001100230